Can German Shepherds Eat Raw Chicken? Expert Advice

As a devoted dog owner, you want to provide your German Shepherd with a nutritious and safe diet. So, when you think about feeding them raw chicken, you might wonder, “Can German Shepherds eat raw chicken?” It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of introducing raw chicken into your dog’s meals.

German Shepherds can eat raw chicken, but it comes with potential risks. While it’s a good source of protein, raw chicken can contain harmful bacteria. As a result, careful planning and proper handling are necessary if you decide to feed raw chicken to your canine companion.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and dangers of feeding raw chicken to your German Shepherd. We’ll discuss nutritional value, health concerns, and how to safely include chicken into your dog’s diet if you choose to do so.

Let’s dive in and discover whether raw chicken is a safe option for your German Shepherd!

Is Raw Chicken Good For German Shepherds?

When it comes to feeding your German Shepherd raw chicken, the answer is not simple yes or no. Although raw chicken can offer some benefits, it also poses some risks that you need to consider carefully.

An infographic showing the importance of raw chicken for German Shepherds.

On the positive side, raw chicken is a great source of protein, which is essential for your German Shepherd’s muscle development and overall health. It’s also rich in nutrients like vitamin B, zinc, and iron.

Many defenders of raw feeding argue that it’s more natural for dogs to eat raw meat, as their wild ancestors did.

However, raw chicken also has some significant risks. The main concern is bacterial contamination, particularly from Salmonella and Campylobacter.

These bacteria can cause serious illness in both dogs and humans. While dogs have a more acidic stomach environment that can handle some bacteria better than humans, they’re not immune to food-borne illnesses.

Another risk is the potential for choking or internal injuries from chicken bones. Raw bones are softer and less likely to splinter than cooked bones, but they can still be dangerous, especially if not properly prepared.

Is It Better to Feed German Shepherds Raw or Cooked Chicken?

The debate between raw and cooked chicken for dogs is ongoing, and both sides have valid arguments. Let’s find the pros and cons of each option.

Can German Shepherds eat raw chicken?

Raw chicken advocates argue that it has more nutrients than cooking. They also claim that raw diets can make dogs’ skin and coat healthier, improve dental health, and increase energy levels.

The BARF diet (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) is based on this principle, which aims to mimic what dogs eat in the wild.

On the other hand, cooking chicken kills harmful bacteria and makes it a safer option for food safety purposes. It becomes a lower-risk protein source for your German Shepherd.

It also makes the chicken easier for dogs to digest. So, cooked chicken provides excellent nutrition without the risks of food-related illness.

Here’s a table comparing raw and cooked chicken for German Shepherds:

FactorRaw ChickenCooked Chicken
Retains more nutrients
Lower risk of bacteria
Easier to digest
More natural for dogs
Safer bone consumption
Reduced risk of parasites
Maintains moisture content
Suitable for all dogs
Requires less preparation

Ultimately, the final decision is yours to decide between raw or cooked chicken for your GSD and it depends on your comfort level and your dog’s specific dietary needs.

If your dog has a sensitive immune system or digestive issues, cooked chicken might be the safer choice. But, the best practice is to consult your veterinarian and learn proper food-handling techniques.

Here’s an expert’s video guide on how to feed raw chicken to German Shepherds.

Source: German Shepherd Dad YT Channel

How To Prepare Raw Chicken for Your German Shepherd?

If you’ve decided to feed your German Shepherd raw chicken, you should understand that proper preparation and handling are very important to minimize potential risks.

How to prepare raw chicken for German Shepherds?

Here’s how to prepare raw chicken for your German Shepherd:

1. Portion and Store Properly:

Divide the chicken into meal-sized portions. Store what you’ll use within 1-2 days in the fridge, and freeze the rest. Always thaw frozen chicken in the refrigerator, not at room temperature.

2. Choose Quality Chicken:

Pick fresh, high-quality chicken from a trusted source. Organic or free-range options are often better. Avoid chicken with a strong odor or discoloration.

3. Wash and Sanitize:

Clean your workspace, utensils, and hands thoroughly. While you shouldn’t wash the chicken itself, make sure to handle it safely to prevent cross-contamination.

4. Remove Skin and Excess Fat:

Trim off the skin and visible fat. These can be hard for your dog to digest and may cause weight gain or pancreatitis if fed regularly.

5. Cut into Appropriate Sizes:

Slice the chicken into manageable pieces based on your dog’s size. For German Shepherds, chunks about 1-2 inches wide usually work well.

Can I feed My German Shepherd Raw Chicken From The Grocery Store?

Can I feed my German Shepherd raw chicken from the grocery store?

You can buy raw chicken from the grocery store for your German Shepherd, but it’s a risky option. While many dog owners prefer raw diets, there’s no guarantee that store-bought chicken is free from harmful bacteria like Salmonella or Campylobacter. And you know these pathogens can make your dog sick by causing vomiting, diarrhea, or even more serious health issues.

If you decide to feed raw chicken, choose fresh, high-quality meat from a trusted source. Butcher shops, local farms, or specialty pet food stores often offer better options than regular supermarkets.

Can German Shepherds Eat Raw Chicken Eggs?

Can German Shepherds eat raw chicken eggs?

German Shepherds can eat raw chicken eggs, but there are some pros and cons of feeding them. Eggs are packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals that can benefit your furry friend. The shells are also rich in calcium, which is great for your dog’s bones and teeth.

While raw eggs can be nutritious, they do come with some risks. There’s a small chance of salmonella contamination, which could make your dog sick.

Also, raw egg whites contain a protein that can interfere with biotin absorption and lead to skin and coat problems if fed in large quantities. So, if you’re worried about these risks, you can lightly cook the eggs instead.

Alternatives to Raw Chicken for German Shepherds

If you want to add raw foods to your German Shepherd’s diet but are not comfortable with raw chicken, there are several alternatives you can choose from.

What are the alternative to raw chicken for German Shepherds?

Following are some of these options:

  • Cooked chicken: Properly cooked chicken can provide many of the same nutritional benefits without the risk of bacterial contamination.
  • Commercial raw diets: These raw foods are prepared to be nutritionally complete and are often safer than homemade raw foods.
  • Other protein sources: If chicken doesn’t agree with your dog, you might consider other meats like beef, turkey, or fish.

Remember, any significant change in your dog’s diet should be done gradually and under the proper guidance of your veterinarian.

Here’s a list of alternatives to raw chicken for your German Shepherd, including the type of food and benefits:

Cooked ChickenEasy to digest, high in protein
High-Quality Dry KibbleBalanced nutrition, convenient
Canned Wet Dog FoodHigh moisture content, palatable
Cooked TurkeyLean protein, similar to chicken
Cooked BeefRich in protein and iron
Cooked Fish (Salmon, Cod)Rich in omega-3 fatty acids
Eggs (Cooked)High in protein and biotin
Vegetables (Carrots, Peas)Low in calories, good for digestion
Cooked LambHigh-quality protein, rich in amino acids
Commercial Raw FoodNutritionally balanced, designed for raw feeding


The question of whether German Shepherds can eat raw chicken doesn’t have a simple yes or no answer. While raw chicken can offer nutritional benefits, it also has some risks that require careful consideration.

If you decide to include raw chicken in your German Shepherd’s diet, do it carefully. Make sure you handle the food safely, start with feeding small amounts, and keep your dog’s diet balanced. Remember that raw chicken alone isn’t enough – your dog needs a variety of foods to fulfill his nutritional needs.

On the other hand, if you are concerned about raw feeding, there are plenty of safe alternatives. High-quality commercial dog foods, cooked homemade meals, or a mix of both can provide excellent nutrition for your German Shepherd.

Ultimately, the best diet for your German Shepherd is one that keeps him healthy and energetic. Your GSD relies on you to make the best choices for his health. So, it’s your duty to provide him with the right nutrition they need, whether that includes raw chicken or not.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can my German Shepherd eat raw chicken wings?

Yes, German Shepherds can eat raw chicken wings, but you should remove any sharp bones or cartilage to avoid choking hazards and handle them safely to minimize bacterial contamination risks.

Can my German Shepherd eat raw chicken breast?

German Shepherds can eat raw chicken breast. It’s a lean protein source. But remove any visible fat and feed your dog in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Can my German Shepherd eat raw chicken bones?

Raw chicken bones can be risky. They may splinter and cause internal injuries. It’s safer to avoid giving your German Shepherd raw chicken bones.

Can German Shepherds eat raw chicken drumsticks?

Yes, German Shepherds can eat raw chicken drumsticks. Raw meaty bones like drumsticks are a great source of protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients for dogs.

Can German Shepherds eat raw chicken legs?

Raw chicken legs can be a nutritious and healthy treat for your German Shepherd as part of a balanced raw diet. But you should supervise your dog if he is eating chicken legs for the first time.

Can my German Shepherd get sick from eating raw chicken with bone?

Yes, your German Shepherd can get sick from eating raw chicken with bones. Raw chicken with bone can cause obstruction or splintering and lead to serious health issues.

Can I feed my German Shepherd raw chicken liver?

Raw chicken liver can be fed to German Shepherds in small amounts. It’s a nutrient-rich item but should only be an occasional treat due to its high vitamin A content.

Can I give my German Shepherd a small piece of raw chicken?

A small piece of raw chicken is generally safe for German Shepherds. But it should be fresh and boneless. Introduce slowly to watch for any adverse reactions.

Can I feed my German Shepherd raw chicken and rice?

Yes, you can feed your German Shepherd raw chicken and rice, but make sure the chicken is fresh and handled safely, and the rice is plain and cooked to avoid digestive upset and nutritional imbalances.

Can German Shepherds eat raw chicken skin?

Raw chicken skin is rich in protein and fatty acids, and German Shepherds can eat it. But you should remove any excess fat and seasonings, and feed in limited amounts to avoid digestive upset.

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