Do German Shepherd Puppies Shed? Get the Answers

Do German Shepherd puppies shed? It’s a common question that comes to your mind when you consider adding a fluffy German Shepherd puppy to your family.

it’s important to understand their shedding habits to be ready for the extra fur and potential mess that comes with loving a German Shepherd puppy!

German Shepherd puppies do shed, and understanding their shedding patterns helps maintain their coat and ensure their comfort. While their shedding might be different from adult German Shepherds, it’s still an important aspect of their development that requires attention and care.

In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about German Shepherd puppies and their shedding.

We’ll talk about when they start shedding, why they shed, how much they shed, and tips to manage it effectively for their health and wellness.

So, let’s dive into the world of German Shepherd puppies and their shedding!

German Shepherd Puppy Coat Stages

As you welcome a German Shepherd puppy into your life, you’ll notice their coat changing dramatically over the first two years.

Therefore, you need to understand his coat stages to understand his shedding patterns and grooming needs.

An infographic showing German Shepherd puppy coat stages.

Here are the five key stages you’ll observe as your GSD puppy grows:

1. Birth Coat (0-3 Weeks):

When your German Shepherd puppy is born, they have a soft, velvety coat that feels incredibly delicate.

This initial fur is essential for providing warmth and protection during their earliest days when they are most vulnerable.

The coat at this stage is very sparse, making grooming unnecessary.

Instead, focus on gentle handling to ensure their comfort and safety, as their skin and coat are still developing and are very sensitive.

2. Transitional Coat (3-8 Weeks):

As your puppy begins to grow, their coat starts to change and becomes slightly denser while maintaining its soft texture.

This period is crucial for their development and socialization.

Gentle brushing during this time helps them get used to being handled, which is important for their future grooming routine.

Even though their coat still doesn’t shed much, regular gentle brushing can be a great way to bond with your puppy and help them feel comfortable with touch and grooming tools.

3. Puppy Coat (8 Weeks – 6 Months):

Between eight weeks and six months, you’ll notice significant changes in your German Shepherd’s coat.

The fluffy, soft puppy fur begins to shed, giving way to a coarser and denser coat that is more characteristic of their adult fur.

This shedding can be quite noticeable and may lead to a patchy appearance as the new coat grows.

During this stage, it’s important to start regular grooming sessions to manage the shedding and help your puppy get used to the grooming process.

4. Adolescent Coat (6-12 Months):

From six months to a year, your German Shepherd’s coat continues to mature, entering into the adolescent phase.

During this time, the adult coat starts to develop, characterized by a thicker, more resilient texture.

This stage involves notable shedding as the puppy coat is replaced with the adult fur.

Therefore, regular grooming is crucial during this period to control the shedding and prevent matting.

You need to brush your dog 3-4 times a week to remove loose fur and keep the coat healthy.

5. Adult Coat (12 Months and Beyond):

By the time your German Shepherd is one year old, they’ll have their full adult coat.

This coat consists of two layers: a dense undercoat and a tougher outer coat.

This double-layered coat offers excellent protection and insulation.

It means your dog will shed throughout the year with 2 heavy shedding seasons, in spring and fall, which is called “blowing coat.”

During these times, your dog will shed excessively and you need to brush him daily for 5-10 minutes to manage this loose fur.

At What Age Do German Shepherd Puppies Start To Shed?

Do German Shepherd puppies shed?

German Shepherd puppies typically begin to shed their soft puppy fur and transition to their adult double coat between 4-6 months of age.

This shedding phase can vary depending on your puppy’s genetics and growth rate.

Various factors like their diet, health, and even the climate they live in, can influence this shedding process.

This transition from puppy fur to an adult double coat can be a bit messy, with loose fur becoming more apparent around your home.

Here’s a detailed timeline of your German Shepherd puppy’s shedding stages.

AgeShedding Stage
3-4 monthsPuppy coat starts to shed lightly
4-6 monthsShedding increases as adult coat starts to come in
6-12 monthsHeavy shedding as puppy coat is fully replaced by adult coat
1-2 yearsShedding slows down, but still regular
2+ yearsAdult shedding pattern established, with seasonal increases
Note: The ages are approximate and may vary depending on individual dogs and their development.

Why Do German Shepherd Puppies Shed?

Why do German Shepherd puppies shed?

There are several reasons for shedding in your German Shepherd puppies.

First, as your puppy grows, their coat transitions from the soft, fluffy fur of infancy to a denser, coarser adult coat.

This natural process involves shedding the old fur to make way for the new.

matthew young pet polite blog founder with smiling face

“Shedding is a natural process for German Shepherds, and it’s necessary for them to get rid of their old coat and make way for a new one.”

Source: Dog Breed Info Center (DBIC)

Secondly, your puppy will experience seasonal shedding, known as “blowing their coat,” which happens in the spring and fall.

During these periods, they shed heavily to adjust their coats for the changing weather conditions.

Thirdly, shedding helps remove dead or damaged fur, keeping their coat healthy and allowing new, shiny fur to grow in.

What Months Do German Shepherd Puppies Shed The Most?

What months dog German Shepherd puppies shed?

German Shepherd puppies shed the most during the spring and fall months.

During these months, they shed heavily to adjust to changing temperatures.

In the spring, especially in April, they shed their heavier winter coat to prepare for a lighter summer coat.

Conversely, in the fall, particularly in September, they shed their lighter summer coat to grow a thicker, warmer coat for the winter.

This natural process helps them stay comfortable in different seasons throughout the year.

matthew young pet polite blog founder with smiling face

“German Shepherd puppies shed their coat twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, as they transition from their puppy coat to their adult coat.”

Source: American Kennel Club (AKC)

How Can You Get Your German Shepherd Puppy To Stop Shedding?

While it’s not possible to completely stop shedding in your German Shepherd puppy, there are steps you can take to significantly reduce it.

How to stop German Shepherd puppy shedding?

Here are some techniques you can follow to reduce shedding in your GSD puppy:

1. Brush Regularly

Brushing helps to remove loose hair and tangles, distribute natural oils throughout the coat, reduce matting and knotting, and identify any skin issues or irritations early on.

Invest in a slicker brush (for short coats) or a pin brush (for long coats). These brushes are designed to remove loose hair and distribute natural oils throughout their coat.

Always brush in the direction of hair growth, not against it. This will prevent matting and tangling.

Brushing can be a relaxing experience for your puppy. Be gentle, especially around sensitive areas like the ears and paws.

Make sure to brush 3-4 times a week, with 5-10 minutes each session.

2. Bathe Wisely:

Bathing your puppy regularly can help loosen and remove dead hair, but be careful not to overdo it.

Bathing too frequently can strip the coat of its natural oils, leading to dryness and more shedding.

Aim to bathe your puppy every 6-8 weeks, or as needed.

Avoid bathing too frequently to prevent their skin and coat from dryness.

Here is the bathing process for your German Shepherd puppy:

  • Use a gentle dog shampoo and warm water only
  • Avoid getting water in their ears, eyes, or nose
  • Lather shampoo carefully, avoiding sensitive areas
  • Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residue
  • Dry gently with a towel, avoid rubbing them harshly

matthew young pet polite blog founder with smiling face

“Regular bathing can help reduce shedding in German Shepherd puppies, but be sure to use a gentle shampoo and avoid over-bathing.”

Source: PetCareRx.Com

3. Use A De-shedding Tool:

Deshedding tools are designed especially to remove loose hair and reduce shedding.

These tools come in various types, such as Furminators, shedding rakes, and shedding blades, and are useful for specific coat types and lengths.

Be gentle while using these tools because they can be harsh on your puppy’s skin, especially if used too frequently or with too much force.

Using these tools 1-2 times a week, for 5-10 minutes is enough to remove loose hair and prevent matting.

4. Keep Your Puppy Hydrated:

Hydration plays a crucial role in reducing shedding in your German Shepherd puppies.

Drinking enough water helps to flush out toxins and keep their skin and coat healthy, reducing shedding and preventing dry, itchy skin.

Make sure your puppy has access to fresh water at all times and drinks enough water to stay hydrated.

Aim for 1-2 cups of water per 10 pounds of body weight daily, and consider adding moisture-rich foods to their diet.

5. Feed A Balanced Diet:

Can healthy diet reduce shedding in German Shepherd puppies?

A well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can help promote a healthy coat and reduce shedding.

Feed a high-quality dog food that meets your puppy’s nutritional needs, and includes foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Avoid fillers and by-products, which can lead to skin issues and shedding.

Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best diet for your puppy.

6. Use A Humidifier:

Dry air can contribute to shedding, so using a humidifier can help keep the air moist and reduce shedding.

Use a humidifier in your home, especially during dry seasons or in dry climates, and keep it clean and well-maintained to avoid bacterial growth.

Monitor the humidity levels to ensure they remain within a comfortable range (30-50%).

7. Avoid Stress:

Stress can cause shedding in puppies, so it’s important to minimize stress in your puppy’s life.

Provide a calm and comfortable environment, avoid sudden changes, and ensure your puppy gets enough exercise and playtime.

You can also consider using stress-reducing aids like pheromone diffusers or calming treats.

Here’s a video guide to help you manage your German Shepherd’s shedding.

Source: German Shepherd Dad YT Channel

Can You Shave Your German Shepherd Puppy To Stop Shedding?

Do German Shepherd puppies shed a lot?

When you see your German Shepherd is shedding excessively, it’s natural to look for solutions, but shaving is not the answer.

In fact, shaving can increase shedding and lead to other skin problems like ingrown hairs, razor burns, and bumps.

Your puppy’s coat is designed to protect them from the external elements and shaving can expose their skin to harmful sun rays, insects, and irritants.

Moreover, shaving can disrupt the natural process of shedding, causing their coat to grow back unevenly and potentially leading to matting.

An illustration showing the risks of shaving a German Shepherd puppy.

Instead of shaving, you must try these tips:

  • Brush your puppy 3-4 times a week to remove loose hair
  • Bathe them every 6-8 weeks or when needed to keep their coat clean
  • Use a de-shedding tool
  • Keep them hydrated and feed a balanced diet

By following these tips, you’ll help your German Shepherd puppy stay healthy and happy, with a beautiful coat to boot!


In conclusion, yes, German Shepherd puppies do shed. They have a double coat that sheds heavily, especially during the first 4-6 months.

This process is natural and necessary for their development.

Regular brushing and grooming can help manage the shedding, but it’s essential to be prepared for the extra work.

With patience and proper care, you can help your German Shepherd puppy navigate this phase and grow into a healthy, happy adult dog.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it normal that my 3-month-old German Shepherd has started shedding and also getting bald slowly?

No, it’s not normal for your 3-month-old German Shepherd to shed excessively or go bald. It can be a sign of skin allergies, flea allergies, or demodectic mange. Consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

If I give my German Shepherd a “puppy” cut, would her shedding slow down a lot?

A “puppy cut” will not significantly reduce shedding in your German Shepherd. A puppy cut is primarily for aesthetic purposes and will not slow down shedding.

How long do German Shepherd puppies shed?

German Shepherd puppies shed heavily for about 4-6 months, with the most intense shedding occurring between 2-4 months. They gradually slow down shedding as they transition to their adult coat.

Why is my German Shepherd puppy shedding so much?

German Shepherd puppies shed heavily due to the rapid growth and development of their double coat. Other factors like genetics, diet, and environmental changes can also contribute to excessive shedding.

Do German Shepherd puppies shed constantly?

German Shepherd puppies shed heavily during the first 4-6 months, but it’s not constant. Shedding can be more intense during seasonal changes or as they transition to their adult coat.

What age does German Shepherd puppy fur change?

German Shepherd puppies typically start transitioning to their adult coat between 4-6 months old. The process can take several weeks to a few months, with the adult coat fully developing by around 1-2 years old.

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