Do German Shepherds Groom Themselves?

Have you ever wondered if your loyal German Shepherd has an innate ability for self-grooming, just like our feline friends? You’re well aware of their beauty and loyalty, but the mysteries of their grooming habits might still fascinate you.

Therefore, a burning question may arise curiosity in your mind: Do German Shepherds groom themselves?

While German Shepherds are known for their cleanliness, they don’t groom themselves like cats. They rely on their owners for grooming support, making regular brushing, occasional baths, and attention to their diet essential for maintaining their coat’s health and luster. 

In this article, we’ll explore whether they groom themselves and guide you about the vital role you, as their beloved owner, play in keeping them healthy and well-groomed.

Let’s start discussing the question, do German Shepherds groom themselves?

Self-grooming Habits Of German Shepherds

As a German Shepherd owner, you have noticed that they have their own set of self-care habits rooted in their natural instincts.

Understanding these grooming tendencies not only deepens your bond with your furry friend but also tags you as a responsible owner.

An infographic showing do German Shepherds groom themselves.

Following are some self-grooming habits of German Shepherds:

1. Face-Focused Grooming:

German Shepherds are particularly attentive to their faces.

They use their large, expressive paws to clean around their eyes and mouth.

This behavior isn’t just about tidiness; it’s also a means of removing food particles and any foreign matter that might have accumulated.

It’s like a dog’s version of washing up before dinner!

2. The Art of Paw Scrutiny:

Watch your German Shepherd closely, and you’ll notice them carefully inspecting their paws.

It’s not just curiosity; it’s a grooming habit.

They’re checking for any foreign objects, like thorns or burrs, that may have lodged in their paw pads.

If they find anything wrong, they’ll delicately use their teeth to remove it. It’s a testament to their resourcefulness.

3. Occasional Paw Chew:

You might notice your German Shepherd occasionally chewing on their paws.

While this can be a grooming behavior to clean between their toes, it can also indicate discomfort.

Allergies, insect bites, or skin irritations can lead to excessive paw chewing.

It’s a signal to pay attention and ensure their paws are in good condition.

4. Licking for Cleanliness:

German Shepherds take pride in their appearance. You’ll often watch them carefully licking their fur.

This isn’t just about maintaining a glossy coat; it’s an instinctive behavior to stay clean.

Their tongues have tiny, backward-facing barbs that help remove dirt and loose hair.

This self-cleaning ritual not only keeps them looking sharp but also helps in regulating body temperature.

The following video will provide valuable insights into the reasons behind dogs’ excessive licking.

Source: Mrs. YBAL Dog YT Channel

5. Ear Maintenance:

German Shepherds are very cautious about their ears. They use their paws to scratch or shake their heads to keep their ears clean and free from debris.

However, while this self-maintenance helps, it’s not a substitute for human intervention.

Regularly inspect their ears, as German Shepherds are prone to ear infections due to their floppy ear shape and hair growth around the ear canal.

Benefits Of Self-Grooming For Your German Shepherd

Benefits of self-grooming for your German Shepherd.

1. Hygiene Maintenance:

German Shepherds, with their thick double coats, are known for their flawless cleanliness.

Self-grooming is their way of upholding this reputation.

Through the act of licking, nibbling, and scratching, they remove dirt, debris, and loose fur from their coat.

This not only keeps them looking tidy but also prevents matting and maintains the integrity of their fur.

2. Temperature Regulation:

Nature has equipped German Shepherds with an efficient cooling and insulating system.

When it’s hot, the saliva on the fur acts as a cooling agent when it evaporates.

However, during cold weather, their self-grooming helps trap warm air close to their skin, providing natural insulation.

This innate ability to adapt to various climates is a testament to their remarkable self-regulation.

3. Stress Reduction:

Self-grooming serves as a coping mechanism for your German Shepherd.

The rhythmic act of licking and nibbling has a soothing effect, helping them relax in stressful or uncomfortable situations.

It’s their way of self-soothing when the world becomes overwhelming.

4. Health Alertness:

German Shepherds use self-grooming as a way of keeping an eye on their own well-being.

They can spot anything unusual, like skin problems, injuries, or the presence of external pests like ticks, during their grooming sessions.

This heightened self-awareness can lead to early detection of health issues, allowing you to take swift action as their caregiver.

5. Oral Health:

Additionally, you may notice your German Shepherd chewing on their paws or other parts of their body during self-grooming.

While this might seem odd, it has some oral health benefits.

Chewing on harder surfaces can help reduce tartar buildup on their teeth.

While it doesn’t replace regular dental care, it’s a natural way they contribute to their overall well-being.

Limitations Of Self-Grooming

While German Shepherds are known for their self-grooming abilities, it’s essential to understand that they have limitations in their self-care routines.

Do German Shepherd dogs have self-grooming habits?

Here are some self-grooming limitations for German Shepherds:

1. Insufficient Cleaning:

When your German Shepherd engages in self-grooming, it’s quite effective for their daily maintenance.

However, there are times when it may not be enough, especially when they encounter substances like mud, sap, or other sticky materials that their tongues can’t remove entirely.

In such cases, your furry friend may need a thorough bath to get completely clean.

2. Matting and Tangles:

Your German Shepherd’s self-grooming efforts can be beneficial in preventing some matting and tangles.

However, it’s essential to remember that self-grooming isn’t foolproof.

Especially for German Shepherds with long coats, areas like behind the ears and under the legs can still develop knots of fur that may become painful and lead to skin issues if left unattended.

To effectively prevent and manage matting, regular brushing and occasional professional grooming are essential.

matthew young pet polite blog founder with smiling face

“German Shepherds do have a natural tendency to lick their fur, but this is not enough to keep their coat clean and free of mats.”

Source – American Kennel Club (AKC)

3. Limited Pest Control:

While your German Shepherd’s self-grooming instincts are sharp, they may not always effectively remove pests like fleas, ticks, or mites.

These tiny intruders can be challenging to control through self-grooming alone.

To ensure your furry friend remains pest-free, it’s crucial to implement regular preventive measures, such as flea and tick treatments, to keep these parasites at bay.

4. Injury and Irritation:

If you observe your German Shepherd excessively grooming himself, it’s crucial to pay attention.

This behavior, which includes constant licking or biting, can sometimes lead to injury or skin irritation. It might stem from allergies, discomfort, or behavioral issues.

If you notice your furry friend obsessively grooming a specific area, it’s important to investigate and address the underlying cause promptly.

5. Oral Health:

Chewing on objects during self-grooming can contribute to oral health, but it’s not a replacement for proper dental care.

Just like all dogs, German Shepherds need routine dental maintenance, which includes brushing their teeth and scheduling professional dental cleanings to keep their oral health in check.

6. Stress Indicator:

If your German Shepherd starts grooming excessively or obsessively and appears agitated during grooming sessions, it could be a sign of stress or anxiety.

It’s essential to evaluate their surroundings for potential stressors and consult with a veterinarian if you notice any abrupt changes in their grooming behavior.

7. Limited Reach:

While German Shepherds excel at self-grooming, there are certain body parts they may find challenging to reach.

Areas like their ears, hindquarters, or underbelly can be tricky for them to groom effectively.

This can result in the accumulation of dirt and debris, potentially leading to infections or irritation.

How to Support Your German Shepherd’s Natural Grooming Tendencies?

Do German Shepherd dogs groom themselves?

1. Provide a Clean Environment:

Ensure your home environment is clean and free from potential irritants. Regularly clean their living space, including their bed, toys, and feeding area.

A clean environment reduces the chances of skin irritation or allergies.

2. Brush Regularly:

Encourage your German Shepherd’s natural grooming behavior by incorporating regular brushing sessions into their routine.

Use appropriate grooming tools to remove loose fur, prevent matting, and promote healthy skin and blood circulation.

3. Feed A Balanced Diet:

Add omega-3 fatty acids to your dog’s diet from sources like salmon oil or flaxseed oil to reduce inflammation and promote healthy skin.

Include omega-6 fatty acids from sources like coconut oil or sunflower oil to support skin health and shiny coat.

Provide vitamins A, C, and E through foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, and leafy greens to promote collagen production and skin health.

Add minerals like zinc and copper from sources like chicken or beef to support skin health and wound healing.

matthew young pet polite blog founder with smiling face

“A German Shepherd’s diet should be high in protein and fat, and low in carbohydrates.”

Source — The Spruce Pets

4. Prevent from Fleas and Ticks:

Use appropriate flea and tick prevention methods recommended by your veterinarian. These parasites can disrupt your dog’s grooming routine and lead to discomfort.

5. Supervise Self-Grooming:

Keep an eye on your dog’s self-grooming habits. While it’s a natural behavior, excessive licking or biting can indicate underlying issues like allergies or skin irritation.

Consult your vet if you notice any concerning changes in their grooming behavior.

6. Consider Professional Grooming:

Schedule regular professional grooming sessions for your dog. Groomers have the expertise and tools to provide deep cleaning, trim excess fur, and address specific grooming needs.

Here’s a recommended grooming routine for your German Shepherd.

Grooming TaskFrequency
Brushing3-4 times a week
BathingEvery 6-8 weeks
Nail TrimmingEvery 2-4 weeks
Ear CleaningWeekly
Teeth Brushing2-3 times a week
Coat Trimming (if necessary)As needed


In conclusion, you might have wondered if German Shepherds, those loyal and intelligent companions, have the ability to groom themselves.

While they indeed possess certain grooming tendencies, they’re not quite the self-sufficient groomers that cats, for instance, are known to be.

Your German Shepherd does engage in some self-care activities, such as licking their paws or nibbling at the occasional itch.

However, their thick double coat requires more attention than what self-grooming alone can provide. This is where your role as a responsible owner comes in.

So, embrace your role in their grooming routine and keep them looking and feeling their best!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can self-grooming lead to skin issues in German Shepherds?

Excessive self-grooming can sometimes lead to skin irritation or hotspots in German Shepherds, particularly if it’s done obsessively. This can result from allergies, discomfort, or behavioral issues.

How often do German Shepherds groom themselves?

German Shepherds groom themselves regularly, typically spending around 1-2 hours per day cleaning their coats. They often groom in short sessions, focusing on areas like their paws, faces, and bellies.

Can self-grooming replace professional grooming for my German Shepherd?

While self-grooming is essential, it may not replace the need for professional grooming entirely. Regular brushing and professional grooming are still necessary for maintaining their coat.

What areas do German Shepherds focus on when self-grooming?

German Shepherds often focus on areas like their fur, paws, face, and ears during self-grooming to keep themselves clean and free from debris.

How often should I bathe my German Shepherd puppy?

German Shepherd puppies should be bathed every 6-8 weeks, or as needed, to avoid stripping their coat of natural oils.

Can I bathe my German Shepherd once a month?

Bathing your German Shepherd once a month is generally sufficient, but may vary depending on individual needs. They need bathing every 6-8 weeks. However, over-bathing can strip their coat of natural oils.

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